Curriculum Vitae: Christie L Wilcox, Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy Cell and Molecular Biology, Specialization in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Bachelor of Science Degree with Honors Marine Science, Biology Track, Minor in Chemistry |
December 2014 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI May 2007 Eckerd College, Saint Petersburg, FL |
Publications (Follow in Google Scholar)
- KR Andrews, JM Copus, C Wilcox, AJ Williams, SJ Newman, CB Wakefield, & BW Bowen (2020). Range-Wide Population Structure of 3 Deepwater Eteline Snappers Across the Indo-Pacific Basin. Journal of Heredity. 111(5), 471–485, doi:10.1093/jhered/esaa029
- TK Doyle, JL Headlam, CL Wilcox, E MacLoughin, & AA Yanagihara (2017). Evaluation of Cyanea capillata sting management protocols using ex vivo and in vitro envenomation models. Toxins. 9(7), 215; doi:10.3390/toxins9070215
- CL Wilcox, H Motomura, M Matsunuma, & B Bowen (2017). Phylogeography of lionfishes (Pterois) indicate taxonomic over splitting and hybrid origin of the invasive Pterois volitans. Journal of Heredity. doi:10.1093/jhered/esx056
- CL Wilcox, JL Headlam, TK Doyle & AA Yanagihara (2017). Assessing the efficacy of first-aid measures in Physalia sp. envenomation, using solution- and blood agarose-based models. Toxins. 9(5), 149; doi:10.3390/toxins9050149
- Yanagihara, AA, CL Wilcox (2017). Cubozoan sting-site seawater rinse, scraping, and ice can increase venom load: upending current first aid recommendations. Toxins. 9(3), 105; doi:10.3390/toxins9030105
- Wilcox, CL, & AA Yanagihara (2016). Heated debates: hot-water immersion or ice packs as first aid for cnidarian envenomations? Toxins. 8(4), 97; doi:10.3390/toxins8040097
- Yanagihara, AA, CL Wilcox, R King, K Hurwitz & A Castelfranco. (2016). Experimental array to assess effects of vinegar and other topical first-aid approaches on cubozoan (Alatina alata) tentacle firing and venom toxicity. Toxins 8(1), 19; doi: 10.3390/toxins8010019
- Wilcox, CL & Hixon, ML (2014). False positive tests for ciguatera may derail efforts to control invasive lionfish. Environmental Biology of Fishes. doi:10.1007/s10641-014-0313-0.
- Andrews, KR, Moriwake, V, Wilcox, C, Frau, EG, Kelley, C, Pyle, RL, Trejo-Centwell, T, and Bowen, BW (2014). Phylogeographic analyses of mesophotic snappers Etelis coruscans and Etelis marshi (family Lutjanidae) reveal concordant genetic structure across the Hawaiian Archipelago. PLoS ONE. Apr 10;9(4), e91665. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091665
- Wilcox, CL (2012). It's Time To e-Volve: Taking Responsibility for Science Communication in a Digital Age. Biological Bulletin. 222(2), 85-87. Full Text Online
- Randall, JE, DiBattista JD, & Wilcox, C (2011). Acanthurus nigros Günther, a valid species of surgeonfish, distinct from the Hawaiian A. nigroris Valenciennes. Pacific Science. 65(2), 265-275. doi:10.2984/65.2.265
- DiBattista, JD, Wilcox, C, Craig, MT, Rocha, LA & Bowen, BW (2011). Phylogeographic survey of the Indo-Pacific surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigroris, reveals high connectivity and a cryptic endemic species in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Journal of Marine Biology. 17 pp. doi:10.1155/2011/839134
- Smith, NF, Wilcox, CL & Lessmann, JM (2009). Fiddler crab burrowing affects growth and production of the white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) in a restored Florida coastal marsh. Marine Biology 156, 2255-2266. doi:10.1007/s00227-009-1253-7
Books and Chapters
- Wilcox, CL. (July 2016). Venomous: How Earth’s Deadliest Creatures Mastered Biochemistry. Farrar, Straus and Giroux/Scientific American Books. Pre-order on Amazon.
- Yanagihara, AA, CL Wilcox, J Smith, & GW Surrett. (2016) Cubozoan Envenomations: Clinical Features, Pathophysiology and Management. In: Goffredo, S & Z Dubinsky, eds. Medusa and Her Children Cnidarian evolution, through global climate change effects, Springer.
- Wilcox, CL, B Brookshire & J Goldman, contributing eds. (March 2016). Science Blogging: The Essential Guide. Yale University Press. Pre-order on Amazon.
Scientific Presentations
- Sept 2016: Wilcox, CL. Pan-American Section Congress Of The International Society for Toxinology, Miami, FL. Oral Presentation: Lionfish and scorpaeniform injuries: phylogenetic and clinical aspects of this expanding threat.
- Mar 2016: Wilcox, CL. Venom Week V, Greenville, NC. Oral Presentation: Evaluating First-Aid Responses to Cnidarian Stings: A Critical Review of the Literature and a Novel Assay Array to Standardize Testing.
- Oct 2015: Wilcox, CL. 18th World Congress Of The International Society for Toxinology. Oxford, UK. Poster Presentation: Development of realistic, quantitative and repeatable cnidarian envenomation models to standardize treatment testing.
- Mar 2014: Wilcox, CL. 39th Annual Tester Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. Oral Presentation: Four fish, two fish: reevaluating evolutionary relationships in the Pteroinae.
- Nov 2013: Wilcox, CL. 66th Gulf Coast Fisheries Initiative Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. Oral Presentation: Expression profile of venom proteins in pterois volitans: implications for ciguatoxin detection.
- July 2012: Wilcox, CL. 17th World Congress Of The International Society for Toxinology & Venom Week 2012, Honolulu, HI. Oral Presentation: Discovery of a Scorpaeniform toxin gene in Cephalopholis argus. Slides
- Mar 2012: Wilcox, CL. 37th Annual Tester Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. Oral Presentation: Discovery of a Scorpaeniform toxin gene in Cephalopholis argus: implications for ciguatoxin detection. Slides
- Jun 2011: Wilcox, CL. Evolution 2011, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. Oral Presentation: Evidence for wide-spread hybridization between two closely related lionfishes. Slides
- Mar 2011: Wilcox, CL. 36th Annual Tester Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. Oral Presentation: Destruction of a species: evidence for wide-spread hybridization between two closely related lionfish species.
- Feb 2011: Wilcox, CL et al. 4th Annual Norwestern Hawaiian Islands Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. Oral Presentation: Hidden in plain view: A genetic survey reveals high connectivity and a cryptic endemic surgeonfish species in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Slides
- Mar 2010: Wilcox, CL, DiBattista, JD and BW Bowen. 35th Annual Tester Symposium, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. Oral Presentation: Phylogeographic survey of the Pacific surgeonfish Acanthurus nigroris reveals a cryptic endemic species in the Hawaiian Archipelago.
- Nov 2009: Wilcox, CL. Sigma Xi Annual Research Conference, Orlando, FL. Poster presentation: Effect of fiddler crabs on mangrove seedling growth in Cockroach Bay, FL.
- Mar 2009: Wilcox, CL. Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Saint Petersburg, FL. Oral Presentation: Effect of fiddler crab burrowing on mangrove growth in a restored marsh in Tampa Bay.
Scholarships, Grants & Awards 2014: Best Paper Award, 39th Annual Tester Symposium, $1,000 2014: PADI Foundation Grant, $7,115 2014: Women Diver's Hall Of Fame/Aggressor and Dancer Fleet Scholarship in Marine Conservation $2,000 2013 University of Hawaii Graduate Student Organization Grant, $1,333 2012: National Association of Science Writers Freelance Fellowship, $750 2012: EECB Maybelle Roth, $5,000 2011: Sigma Xi Grant-in-aid-of-research, $1,000 2010: Blogging Scholarship, $10,000 2010: Seaspace Scholarship; $2,000 2010: Honorable Mention for Best Graduate Paper, 35th Annual Tester Symposium 2009: NESCent Travel Award, $750 2006: Sigma Xi Grant-in-aid-of-research, $600 2006: Eckerd College NAS SRP, $2,000 2003: Eckerd Trustee Scholarship, $110,000 Teaching/Leadership Experience 40th annual Albert L. Tester Symposium organizer (Fall 2014 - Spring 2015) Teaching Assistant, Genetics 375L, University of Hawaii at Manoa (Fall 2014) Teacher’s Assistant, Physiology for Prof. Jonathan H. Cohen (Spring 2007) Eckerd College Marine Science Department, St. Petersburg, FL Teacher’s Assistant, Ecology for Prof. William A. Szelistowski (Fall 2006). Eckerd College Marine Science Department, St. Petersburg, FL Camp Director, American Go Association’s Go Camp (Summer 2005) Hartwick College, NY Past Society Memberships National Association for Toxinology (previous board member) International Society For Toxinology Graduate Women in Science Sigma Xi Volunteering & Community Outreach 2015: Tide Walks with Mililani-Mauka Elementary School: Volunteer Coordinator, Participant 2014: Sacred Hearts Academy: Guest Teacher for Marine Biology 2014: Tide Walks with Mililani-Mauka Elementary School: Volunteer Coordinator, Participant 2013: Tide Walks with Mililani-Mauka Elementary School: Volunteer Coordinator, Participant 2012: North American Society Of Toxinology: Board Member 2012: Tide Walks with Mililani-Mauka Elementary School: Organizer, Participant 2012: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Specialization: Graduate Student Representative 2011: Hawaii Public Radio Fund Drive: Participant 2011: Makapu'u Beach Cleanup: Participant 2011: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Specialization: Graduate Student Representative 2011: PaCES-HIMB Summer Environmental Science Program for High School Students: Project Mentor 2011: Tide Walks with Mililani-Mauka Elementary School: Organizer, Participant 2010: Pacifc Islands Symposium for Science and Sustainability: Guest Judge 2005: Animal Programs Intern at the Florida Aquarium: over 100 hours of volunteering 2004: Gallery Host at the Florida Aquarium: over 130 hours of volunteering 2004: Vet Assistant at Bay Mooring's Animal Hospital Blogging 2011 - current: Science Sushi: Real Science. Served Raw. Discover Magazine (previously Scientific American) 2008 – 2011: Observations of a Nerd: A blog about anything and everything. ScienceBlogs |